Casey’s General Store #10 – East 26th Street Sioux Falls


Casey’s General Store
5810 E. 26th Street
Sioux Falls, SD

Superintendent: Greg Kastner

SF: 4,700
Owner: Casey’s Services Company
Architect: Ringdahl Architects
Delivery Method: General Contractor

This building is a new Casey’s convenience store on the east side of Sioux Falls just south of Dawley Farm Village. The project consisted of bringing the grade of the site up 6′ – 8′ in some areas, installing geopiers below the building and canopy foundations, and installing new utilities around a 16″ natural gas main line. The building was made out of pre-built wood walls, wood trusses, and a slab-on-grade consrete floor. The interior finishes were ACT and tile on the floor with painted sheetrock and tile finishes on the walls. On the exterior of the building, we installed two 30,000 gallon fuel tanks and 12 fuel pumps.